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Child Details

Aarish Rashid

I'm a 12 year-old Boy from Aurangabad

Aarish Rashid is an orphan who lost both parents some time ago. His has never known the joys of normal family living. Aarish Rashid was placed in a home and it is a struggle to develop a feeling of security or belonging. Aarish Rashid is in need of help and your sponsorship is an important and continuing part of assistance to Aarish Rashid and his family attain self-reliance - for this is the development in which World Vision is involved.

This is my world in India

I am in Secondary school.
My favorite subject is Religious studies.
I live in Aurangabad

An Organisation You Can Trust


As an organisation that works towards the best interest of the poor, we ensure to make the best use of our resources. Through your continuous support, children, their families and communities witness developments that open doors to lasting change.


Just as our partners faithfully give towards the upliftment of the poor, we are faithful in utilising the resources they trust us with.

When you sponsor a child, you will receive

Tax benefits under sec 80G

Our magazine Jeevan Sparsh

An opportunity to write to and visit your child

In the News

Your investment today brings hope, dignity, and opportunity to those who need it most. Join the movement to empower children and families today
