So far, we have provided 206,322 cooked food packages. We supported 19,954 households with dry ration. 7,91,733 people were reached through awareness campaigns on prevention of COVID-19. 70,934 hand-washing supplies were distributed. We provided personal protection equipment (PPE) to 12,446 medical personnel. We distributed 85,267 glove sets and 4,14,138 masks. 30,758 children were supported with Child Protection programming. Cash disbursements/voucher were given to 12,023 households. Read More

Curbing the Outbreak
To curb the outbreak of encephalitis (AES) in Bihar, World Vision India led a series of awareness programmes over one week that included door-to-door awareness and follow-up of families, large meetings with mic announcements, setting up of banners across all villages. Through relentless efforts, we have been able to protect the lives of about 100 children.

Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse
A workshop on child sexual abuse was organised for doctors at the Madras Medical Mission hospital, Chennai. There were 285 participants including doctors, nurses, para medical staff, college students and staff.
It takes every Indian to end child sexual abuse.

Children's Consultation on Child Sexual Abuse
A Children’s Consultation on Child Sexual Abuse was held at Public Service Commission Auditorium, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, on 26th Sept '18. This was to understand the plight of the children & find solutions to eradicate child sexual abuse in the state.

World Vision India responds to Kerala floods
World Vision India has rushed immediate emergency relief in the form of dry ration and non-food items to 11,393 families in Malappuram, Wayanad, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam and Palakkad. We plan to provide emergency relief to 10,000 more families in Idukki, Kottayam/Allepey (Kuttanad) and Wayanad.

Helping Children be Safe During Disasters
More than 3400 students have received School Safety training in the communities we serve in Kolkata. Through Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF), World Vision India has reached around 26,287 school children in 748 schools on preparedness in 10 States.

Certificate of Appreciation
World Vision India’s project in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, received a Certificate of Appreciation from Hon’ble Sri. Amarnatha Reddy for outstanding and remarkable services done throughout the year 2017 and for bringing hope into the lives of vulnerable children.

Mobile Clinic to the rescue
Thanks to the Ford Mobile Clinic, Ponamma was saved from a near-death experience. The Mobile Clinic was launched by World Vision India and Ford to provide health services for children and families living in remote locations. More than 18,544 children and adults have benefited through the Mobile Clinic since its launch in 2016.

A HungerFree India is Possible
India ranks 100 among 119 countries on the Global Hunger Index (GHI) indicating alarming hunger levels. But, we believe a #HungerFree India is possible. Each of us can make a difference. And together, we can make a bigger impact towards curbing malnutrition among children. World Vision India is a proven and dedicated partner in the fight to end hunger and malnutrition— even in the hard to reach places. Sponsor a child and join us in our fight against hunger and malnutrition

Congratulations Oviya!
Oviya has completed her engineering course from Sathyabama, Chennai, and is now placed in a reputed IT firm. A big thank you to Sathyabama University for supporting her studies. Oviya, a lively and cheerful 21-year-old, was World Vision India’s sponsored child.

Green today for kids tomorrow
28 employees from Thomson Reuters provided awareness on hygiene and environment conservation through street plays in the communities we serve in Gundlupet, Karnataka. Papaya and pomegranate saplings were distributed to families and even planted in some households. Tree guards were put up to ensure that saplings grow well and are sustained for the future.

Our new project
World Vision India along with Unicef India launched the CANAH project for neonatal and maternal health in Bilaspur. Cabinet minister, Mr. Agarwal officially inaugurated the project.

Fire drills
Children and youth from a community we serve in Delhi were trained on fire safety. This community was razed by fire last year. We had provided them with relief and now we are training them to be first responders.

Suraj goes to Germany
Suraj Kumar our sponsored child from the communities we serve in Imphal is among the 15 boys from Manipur selected by the TATA Trusts and U Sports for a premier collaborative football-training programme in Germany. They will be training in Germany for six years and are optimistic in making a mark in the FIFA World Cup 2026.

Child Friendly Space
A CFS (Child Friendly Space) centre in Bhojpur helped 350 children recover from distress due to the floods last year. The CFS had created an environment where children were absorbed in fun, laughter and games. Sponsor a child and bring smiles on children’s faces.