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Happy Smiles of a Healthy Childhood

Keerthi, 8, loves reciting nursery rhymes. She enjoys playing with her friends at school. “I have two best friends, Sukanya and Smiley,” she says.

Simple Dreams

Keerthi’s parents are overjoyed at Keerthi’s good health. And they have a reason to be.

“Keerthi was unable to breathe. She could not even speak,” recalls her mother, Yesu Mariamma, with tears in her eyes. “I could not watch her suffer. She would gasp for breath.”

Keerthi was born with an abnormality in the septum in her nose, which makes breathing difficult. Initially, the doctors prescribed her nose-drops because she was too young for surgery.  But she still continued to find breathing difficult.

Yesu Maraimma had a son who also suffered from a similar condition. But unfortunately, he died before his condition was even diagnosed.

“We were very worried about Keerthi. We did not have money for the surgery,” she says. She and her husband make a living as daily wage labourers.

World Vision’s Arpana ADP (Area Development Programme) helped the family with Keerthi’s treatment. The ADP supported for the surgery. They were in the hospital for five days.

“Keerthi is able to breathe with her nose easily after the surgery,” says Mariamma. They have been going to the hospital for regular follow-up. She has also been enrolled in the child sponsorship programme. “Her appetite has also improved. She is able to eat well,” says her mother.

Because of her illness, Keerthi could not attend classes regularly. She is now going to the first grade in the local public school in her neighbourhood.

The ADP has provided Emergency Medical Assistance for two other children in the village. For poor families like Keerthi’s, emergency assistance for medical treatment is like a new lease of life.  This helps children undergo life-saving treatment and enjoy good health.

“This help from World Vision saved my daughter’s life. After my son’s death, I was very scared that something might happen to Keerthi too. We are very happy now,” says Mariamma.


In a Partners Meet

Ms. Yogita Limaye meets her sponsored child Vasika at the Mumbai Partners Meet in Feb '16.

Sponsor Visit

Rebika is delighted to meet her sponsor Mrs. Aparna Sen.

I can hear!

Hearing Aids help Bhavyasri hear now. Her parents were elated to see their daughter respond when they called.


"Together, we can make a difference in the lives of girls and women, empowering them to build a brighter future."
