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15-year-old Christina is a sponsored child who received a bicycle from World Vision India.


“Education is important. It makes us wise and knowledgeable. School is my source of getting educated. But my school is very far from house. It used to take me one hour, one way, to get to school. And after reaching school I was very exhausted from the walking and was unable to concentrate much due to the fatigue. Now I am grateful for my bicycle. It gets me to school quickly and all my energy is invested in studying. This has changed my life and has directed be to the right path, a path leading to progress," says Christina.

Distance from high school is one of the reasons why children, especially girls drop out from school. 487 children have received bicycles in this community now have access to school far from their homes. When children are equipped with provisions like bicycle, free remedial coaching classes along with admission fees they are motivated to pursue higher education and finish school.

In a Partners Meet

Ms. Yogita Limaye meets her sponsored child Vasika at the Mumbai Partners Meet in Feb '16.

The Match

Children participate in a football match organized by the Football Club, Goa

Visiting my Child

Mr. Archisman Chatterjee elated to meet his sponsored child Rajak in Rajasthan.

"Together, we can make a difference in the lives of girls and women, empowering them to build a brighter future."
