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"I like eating eggplant vegetable," says Kalyan’s 8-year-old son Rajvind. Rajvind’s younger brother Havind was malnourished.

Boy sitting with a basket of brinjal

As part of IPCH intervention World Vision India provided kitchen gardening seeds to families, particularly families have children who are malnourished, to promote healthy eating habits and instil the importance of nutritious food. Kitchen garden gives families easy access to fresh green vegetables. With the promotion of healthy eating habits at home, Kalyan’s children are no longer undernourished. After consumption, the extra vegetables left are sold in the local market, becoming an additional source of income for the family.

Havind, 3 years old, also attended the UMANG () 60-day programme. After the IPCH interventions Havind is no longer malnourished. "We didn’t know much about malnutrition and how it adversely affects the growth of the children. My child, Havind was in the yellow mark. We were called to attend the UMANG programme. We were 19 women in total. There we were explained about malnutrition and how we need to have healthy eating habits to safeguard our children from malnutrition, like eating green vegetables and having a balanced diet. Now there is a glow on our children’s faces," says Mamta, Kalyan’s wife.

In the Lalitpur target areas World Vision India has given 932 households, having malnourished children, kitchen gardening seeds. In total, 5932 families have received kitchen gardening seeds in World Vision India target communities of Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Child Protection

Tulasi: "Now I am more aware of child protection issues and can protect myself. I know about the government mechanisms that support and protect us."

Education Support

Kinjal: "My father is an alcoholic and barely earns enough to support my education. I would have had to drop out if World Vision India hadn't supported me in pursuing a nursing course for a better future."

Benches and Desks

Satish, 5th Grade: "I never expected to sit at a desk in my classroom. It has given me so much encouragement to continue my studies

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