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A Gift of a Medicated Mosquito Net

As three-year-old Ruthi lay sick in her bed, her parents knew something was terribly wrong with their daughter. She had an excruciating headache, a fever, and kept vomiting every now and then. With hours going by, she was almost lying lifeless on her bed.

A Gift of a Medicated Mosquito Net

“We took her to the doctor. And the blood test revealed she had malaria,” says Adinbokto, Ruthi’s father, “we would’ve almost lost our daughter.”

With unhygienic surroundings that becomes breeding grounds for mosquitoes, malaria is still a life-threatening illness, widely prevalent in many parts of the country. Although malaria is both preventable and treatable, many families lack proper mosquito nets and cannot afford to access medications.

World Vision India’s work in Ruthi’s community has helped save lives of several children like her. “We are illiterate; no one paid attention to us. We never knew anything. But World Vision India’s awareness programmes helped us a lot. We now know that malaria is preventable. We even got special mosquito nets,” says Adinbokto.

“We use the nets all the time. It has been 3 years since my daughter had malaria. Now she is safe under the protection of the net," he continues."

The state of Tripura is one of the most malaria prone areas in the country. Malaria was considered as one of the deadliest diseases in the state. To address this issue, in collaboration with the District Malaria Department and Health Department, we increased people’s knowledge about the disease through awareness on malaria mitigation and preventive measures. Now, malaria is no longer considered as a deadly disease in the areas where we work," says Malsawmdawngliana, a Community Development Coordinator of North Tripura project.

In order to mitigate the issue of malaria, World Vision India’s North Tripura project distributed about 20,000 mosquito nets. The project also conducted malaria health camp in and around the target villages to prevent further spread of the disease. 

In a Partners Meet

Ms. Yogita Limaye meets her sponsored child Vasika at the Mumbai Partners Meet in Feb '16.

Visiting my Child

Mr. Archisman Chatterjee elated to meet his sponsored child Rajak in Rajasthan.

I can hear!

Hearing Aids help Bhavyasri hear now. Her parents were elated to see their daughter respond when they called.


"Together, we can make a difference in the lives of girls and women, empowering them to build a brighter future."
