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The most damaging effects of under-nutrition occur during pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life. These damages are irreversible; hence dealing with malnutrition in the first two years is crucially important. World Vision India, through its projects, seeks to address the causes of malnutrition with special focus on children below 5 years, pregnant women and mothers with specific interventions for each target group.


Our nutrition response is focused on

  • Improving access and utilisation of health care services to all families, especially pregnant women.
  • Improving the knowledge and practices of families on appropriate child care, nutrition and care seeking.
  • Improving investment on nutritious food through economic development activities and food security programmes.

World Vision believes in bringing change through collective efforts by working in collaboration with government, Civil Society Organisations and other stakeholders. It follows a multi-faceted strategy to address the issue of malnutrition particularly among pregnant women and children below the age of 5 years. Undernourished (mild, moderate and severe) children were identified through a detailed assessment, and action plans are developed at the grass-root level on the basis of the severity of the issue and the local context.

With this knowledge, we bring in our expertise to

  • Create awareness among parents, especially mothers, and communities about the ill-effects of malnutrition
  • Sensitise adolescent girls and pregnant women about balanced diet, human growth and development cycles
  • Build the capacity of the frontline workers, especially the Anganwadi workers, ASHA, ANM and volunteers.
  • Build the knowledge of people’s organisations in monitoring government health programmes and functioning of health centres
  • Integrate the sectors of health, water and sanitation in regular programming to ensure success and sustainability of nutrition response
  • Encourage communities to access the basic health and nutrition services provided by government through primary health centres and anganwadi centres
  • Introduce life skill education as part of formal education for adolescent girls and boys
  • Provide nutritious food through a community-based nutrition intervention [Urgent Management and Action for Nutritional Growth (UMANG)] as an additional meal to malnourished children through anganwadi workers and community participation.
  • Improve the infrastructure facilities of anganwadi centers and health facilities
  • Bring in food diversity at the household and community level through nutrition garden
  • Strengthen the school health programme by working with communities and partner organisations at the local level.
  • Initiate livelihood programmes to enhance the economic status of families with malnourished children, ensuring food security
  • Develop a mechanism at the community level to closely monitor the nutritional status of children

In a Partners Meet

Ms. Yogita Limaye meets her sponsored child Vasika at the Mumbai Partners Meet in Feb '16.

The Match

Children participate in a football match organized by the Football Club, Goa

Sponsor Visit

Rebika is delighted to meet her sponsor Mrs. Aparna Sen.

"Together, we can make a difference in the lives of girls and women, empowering them to build a brighter future."
