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Stories of change

When home is no longer safe

“I never imagined that any one from my community could ever perform such a terrible crime” . . .said Tara, a member of the Child Protection Unit. The incident has shocked Tara and the rest of the community. Two innocent children Kajal and her cousin, Priya were sexually abused by their neighbour. An old man who lived just above their house often lured the children into his house with sweets and money. For Kajal and Priya, treats were rare in their family.


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Little children like Mohini earn Rs. 10 for stitching a football for over two days. Mohini was only eight when she began helping her mother stitch footballs. Caught in poverty, she wilfully left school to work with her mother and earn an income for the family. When Mohini turned 11, she pleaded with her mother to send her younger siblings to school. But her mother helplessly had to say no. Her income was only sufficient to feed the family two square meals a day. Thanks to sponsors like you, wholly free from informal labour, today, Mohini is 14 years old and goes to school. Not only her, but her younger siblings are school-going children as well.

Made Equal

Simarjeet persuaded her parents to send her to school after attending World Vision India’s sensitisation programmes.  Today she has overcome the hurdles of gender bias and cultural taboos.

Agents of Change

This Child Protection Unit (CPU) in a community we serve in Bijapur, Karnataka, has stopped many child marriages and has found solutions to several problems faced by the children, which were never addressed before. Sponsor a child and provide security for children.

Safety First

With open drains, garbage litter and congested schools, Aliya’s community was not even close to being child-friendly or safe during a disaster. Through training, her community has become aware of the dangers and is getting better.

The change in Suhani's life

Construction of toilets and Remedial Education Centre in Suhani’s village is helping her progress towards a better future. Sponsorship changes lives in ways you wouldn't have even thought. Sponsor a child like Suhani and see the change you can create in the life of a vulnerable child.

A confident Rubana

Meet Rubana, a Child Protection Unit(CPU) member. After joining the CPU, Rubana has changed from being quiet to becoming vocal about her rights. Her confidence has soared to a different level.

Laxmi is getting better

2-year-old Laxmi was so weak that she could not even stand on her own. Laxmi’s grandmother brought her to a programme conducted by World Vision India in collaboration with the Jharkhand State Nutrition Mission to treat acute malnutrition among children. Sponsor a child to end malnutrition in India.

Empowering Women

If you think it's not a woman’s job to fix a hand pump? These women will prove you wrong. 53 women from the communities we serve in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh participated in a practical training programme conducted by World Vision India.

The goats helped Vidhya get better

World Vision India provided Vidhya’s family with a pair of goats in 2015 and again in 2016. Before this, her parents were daily wage labourers. But now the family has 22 goats and they make a living by selling the goats. The goat's milk also provides nutrition for Vidhya and her brother Prince

Heena and Arti learn the art of combat

17-year-old Heena and her 16-year-old friend Arti were among the 250 girls from their neighbourhood who participated in the self-defense classes organised by World Vision India in partnership with the Delhi police. The girls have learned different techniques to escape physical assault and the tools to confront and report harassment.

A Gift of a Medicated Mosquito Net

As three-year-old Ruthi lay sick in her bed, her parents knew something was terribly wrong with their daughter. She had an excruciating headache, a fever, and kept vomiting every now and then. With hours going by, she was almost lying lifeless on her bed.


Kashish stands on a scale to get her weight checked at the anganwadi. The playful 5-year-old was once listless and lethargic. Her personality perked up once she gained weight as her mother Solenka learned to cook more nutritious food at the anganwadi. World Vision India supports anganwadis in its programme by identifying and addressing malnutrition among children.


Saraswathi says she is happy to be part of this cooking and feeding programme as she learns and interacts with other mothers. All children are now eating well because of change in the taste. “Previously I was not aware about the preparation of healthy snacks that can be prepared at home, now I can prepare some items at home because of the learnings that I received through UMANG training”, says Saraswathi.


Mary’s son 14-month-old Jeevan was identified as a severe acute malnourished child. He was so weak that he could barely walk. After being identified as severly malnourished, World Vision India referred Jeevan to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC). After treatment at the NRC, his family was given a food basket containing all essential, nutritious ingredients. Mary was taught to prepare nutritious meals. Today, Jeevan has gained weight and is no more a malnourished child. He is normal, his appetite has improved and he is active.

Food Basket Programme

To combat malnourishment among children, we use the Food Basket Programme. Children who are severely malnourished are referred to a health facility such as a nutrition rehabilitation centre for medical and therapeutic intervention. After that, we educate the mothers/caregivers on feeding practices. Once the children are discharged from the facility, we give them food basket for a period of 6 months. Food basket contains essential ingredients necessary to prepare a nutritious meal.


3-year-old Kanishkasri, daughter of Logasundaram was moderately underweight and weighed only 10 kgs She was enrolled in World Vision India’s UMANG (Urgent Mangament and Action for Nutritional Growth) programme which started on 12th June 2017. After 30 days into the programme, Kanishkasri’s weight increased to 11 kgs. After 60 days of the programme she weighed 13 kgs. Kanishkasri’s mother, Saraswathi says her daughter now eats healthy food. Saraswathi has learnt to make a variety of new recipes that Kanishkasri likes. Even when Saraswathi forgets to go for the UMANG meetings, Kanishkasri reminds her to go.


Kanaka’s 4-year-old son Puneet now regularly attends the health and nutrition session conducted in the communities we serve in Visakhapatnam. Puneet was also severely malnourished and referred to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center (NRC). Kanaka was instructed on healthy cooking and was given a food basket to support Puneet’s progress. He has also gained weight by one kg.

Shivani – A Story of Victory

It’s the night of Diwali, 19-year-old Shivani carefully places candles along the steps of the front door of her house. The soft candlelight illuminates her face. Just as the festival of lights denotes victory over darkness, Shivani’s story is nothing less of a victory.

A Surprise for Saloni

Life gave Saloni a rough start. Her father walked away when she was still in her mother’s womb. A few months after she was born, her mother took her own life, leaving Saloni and her brothers orphaned. But 6-year-old Saloni is a fighter.

For every pair you purchase, a child’s health is at stake

“My work usually involves sticking pieces of the shoe together with glue. The glue has a very strong smell that makes me dizzy and sick when I use it for too long. I can’t focus on work sometimes because of this, and the manager gets angry and shouts at me when I make mistakes. He scares me.” says 12-year-old Rahul.

Go Green. Connect with Nature.

Here’s the 22-year-old Rajender’s tree garden! Sharing his life-changing decision to nurture plants, Rajender says, “My village was lush green once upon a time. It’s all gone. The tree saplings, guava and mango, given to me by World Vision India inspired me to cultivate my very own tree garden.”

Breaking patterns

Amandeep works as a nurse and supports her family. Coming from a community that does not allow women to leave their homes, Amandeep’s will power helped her break the patterns of the patriarchal society. She now has plenty of opportunities opening up for a bright future.

Rasikaben's multiple benefits

Look at the number of goats behind Rasikaben. Would you believe us if we said she started with two goats? She has also sold a couple of goats as well. Rasikaben provides her children with goat’s milk and this has helped them regain good health.

The wind beneath their wings

This lively young bunch are members of the Udaan group, a Child Protection Unit (CPU) in Jaipur. The group takes complete ownership of child participation, protection and also monitors the children living in the communities we serve. Udaan is a catalyst for social action in the community.

Born to run

The medals tell us that Ankit is a winner. And a winner he is! Coming from the communities we serve in North West Delhi, Ankit discovered his talents when he won track events in a city level athletics meet organised by World Vision India in September 2015. Since then, there has been no turning back.

Wipe the slate clean

Lack of toilets is a matter of dignity for a woman. After toilets were provided to the communities we serve in Dangs, Gujarat, the women and girl children there heaved a sigh of relief. "I can go to the toilet whenever I want" says Elisa.

Tears mooed away

Nirmala lost her husband to Hepatitis B when her youngest child was just seven months old. With no steady income source, Nirmala wished for a miracle; then a cow mooed their tears away.

Fruit of Transformation

Families living in the communities we serve are not aware of malnutrition and its side-effects. One of the many ways in which we help them is by providing kitchen gardening seeds. Cultivating vegetables in their own backyard gives families easy access to nutritious food.

How hygiene changed my life

11-year old Varsha learns about the importance of practicing hygienic habits. A simple awareness programmes has led to behaviour change in the primitive indigenous tribe.

One bicycle makes a big difference

A bicycle now helps Christina go to school regularly and on time. Most girl children are not allowed to go to school owing to long distances and the fatigue they experience due to walking. A bicycle is the best solution for them.

Found Safe

"The school informed me that Disha hadn’t reached. A state of panic gripped me. She was nowhere to be found," says Dharmender, Disha’s father. World Vision India's Child Protection Unit was able to trace and bring back little Disha to her parents. She was saved from being trafficked.

In good company

At an age where he was supposed to read books, he used to carry piles of books tirelessly all day long. His large family had no proper source of income, sending him to work was the only option for Mohsin's mother. Luckily Mohsin found a way out!

Living in harmony

Married at a very young age, Renu and Devinder faced a lot of hardships. When Devinder abandoned the family, it made it all the more difficult for Renu who had to solely take care of her children. With no income at hand all she could see was despair and darkness. Then one fine day, Chuja Munna came along and changed their lives.

A healthy me

After much counselling and constant follow up, Rajanti brought little Yamini who was severely malnourished to the Malnutrition Treatment Centre (MTC), strengenthed by World Vision India. Through regular visits, Rajanthi learnt about nutritious feeding enabling Yamini to regain health.

Joy Ride

Walking to school every day used to exhaust Mita. She missed classes and her grades fell. But all that stopped after she received a bicycle a World Vision India. Education is no longer a far-fetched dream for Mita.

The transformational club

Poonam used to be shy away from classes because of her inability to read. The literacy boost programme has helped her read efficiently. Now she no longer hesitates to go to school. She loves to read and is regular to school now.

From student to teacher

Sometimes motivation is all one needs to trigger the zeal inside of them.Sadhna's participation in the LSTD programme kindled the talent inside her. She now writes poems and also take classes for younger children attending the LSTD programme.

To Be or Not to Be

Suffering stigma and discrimination, life was not kind for Urmila. But then came the second chances. Through training and counseling Urmila was able to take care of herself and her newborn. Timely interventions make a world of a difference.

A Healthy Childhood

Severely malnourished Bhola receiving timely health support and moved from being severe to mildly malnourished. The UMANG feeding program teaches mothers to provide nutritious food for their children.

Happy Smiles of a Healthy Childhood

Keerthi had a breathing problem making it difficult for her lead a normal life. Her parents were worried and wondered if their daughter would survive. Fortunately, Keerthi received timely medical assistance and now enjoys a happy healthy life.

The Fragrance of Victory

Trading the ladle for a pencil, Kushboo began her journey of enlightenment through education. With no basic foundations, the transition wasn’t smooth but her vigour to learn kept her going. She finally broke the bondages and became the first person in her family to go to school.

Simple Dreams

Martha's dream is as simple as visiting River Mahanadhi after she completes her studies. She read about it in one of her lessons. A child's limited exposure to the outside world can only be liberated through education.

"Together, we can make a difference in the lives of girls and women, empowering them to build a brighter future."
