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Stories of change

For every pair you purchase, a child’s health is at stake

“My work usually involves sticking pieces of the shoe together with glue. The glue has a very strong smell that makes me dizzy and sick when I use it for too long. I can’t focus on work sometimes because of this, and the manager gets angry and shouts at me when I make mistakes. He scares me.” says 12-year-old Rahul.

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The transformational club

Poonam used to be shy away from classes because of her inability to read. The literacy boost programme has helped her read efficiently. Now she no longer hesitates to go to school. She loves to read and is regular to school now.

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An Organisation You Can Trust


As an organisation that works towards the best interest of the poor, we ensure to make the best use of our resources. Through your continuous support, children, their families and communities witness developments that open doors to lasting change.


Just as our partners faithfully give towards the upliftment of the poor, we are faithful in utilising the resources they trust us with.

When you sponsor a child, you will receive

Tax benefits under sec 80G

Our magazine Jeevan Sparsh

An opportunity to write to and visit your child

"Together, we can make a difference in the lives of girls and women, empowering them to build a brighter future."
